钓鱼邮件!!! – 我的 SOHO 生活连载(41)

2017年8月15日06:33:52 发表评论 3,598

4月底,网站收到一封尼日利亚的询盘,关于产品 C,邮件内容如下:

尼日利亚钓鱼邮件 - SohoLife.me


Dear Sir,
My name is Solomon Eti, of ETI CONSULTS & AGENCY LTD.

We got your company information through an exhaustive search in the
internet. We are Licensed government agent based in South-South Nigeria.

Our scope is basically searching for foreign companies to bid for
government contract on commission basis. We receive 2% commission from
the seller/contractor in any successful government/non
governmental contract generated by us.

We facilitate the award of government contracts on the following
categories: Supply, Construction, Consultancy and General Goods.

The Bureau of National Development Commission, want to purchase
(***** ******* MACHINES) from a reputable manufacturer/supplier.

Payment of the supply/contract is by 100% bank swift transfer (T/T) in
advance immediately every contract formality is completed.

We are respectfully inquiring if your company will be interested to
supply your products to the Commission on contract basis with us as
the intermediary agent?

If this proposal is of interest to your highly esteemed company,
please reply us by providing the following information:

1) Your price list

2) Comprehensive details/information of your products

3) Your company profile

We are looking forward to working with you.

Contact Person. Solomon Eti.
E-mail    solomonetii@gmail.com
101 Factory Road
State, Nigeria.
Tel +234-80-57144333


Solomon Eti.

本来看到是尼日利亚的询盘,心里是有点打鼓,我有一个习惯就是每收到一封询盘都会先去 Google 一下,不过这次没有搜到太多有用的信息。看邮件客户确实是这个行业的,询盘里也有明确的对应产品,而且各方面说的也算是有理有据,所以就试着回复一下。看了看客户买这个产品是用来竞标的,还需要公司的介绍,而我现在哪有什么公司的介绍,于是先发了一封邮件稳住客户,告诉他佣金没有问题,我现在在出差,需要晚一点把资料发给他。然后趁着这段时间赶紧做了一份公司的介绍资料,然后和报价单一块儿发给了客户。(这时候也来看一下对方的套路,一再提及招标委员会什么的,然后表现出自己很想要佣金,避重就轻,并且告诉你如果招标项目被拒绝了也会及时通知你,说的像真有那么回事一样。


骗子回复邮件 - SohoLife.me


Dear ****,

Thanks for your mail and interest to supply the ***** ******* machine
to the tender board office of the BNDC, I also thank you for accepting
to offer us some commission after the contract.

I will proceed to the tender board this morning for the submission of
your offer for consideration by the board. I will get back to you as
soon as I succeeded with the submission, but if they reject it, I will
also let you know as well.




骗子投标成功 - SohoLife.me


Dear ****,

How are you, I want to inform you that your quotation has been
successfully submitted to the tender board office this morning with
the help of my reliable insider in the tender board office,

He is also happy to see that your quotation was submitted against the deadline.

We will wait to hear from the board as soon as they are through with
the deliberation on the quotations submitted by all the companies, it
is my believe that your quote will be considered by the board, hence
my insider will start meeting with some of the key members of the
committee today, on your company's behalf.

Thanks and hope to reach you as soon as I received any further update
from the board. All hands must be deck to actualize this order.





Dear ****,

Thanks for your mail, Please note that the board has not concluded the
deliberation on all the offers.

But by Monday, we are likely to hear from them after the final
deliberation, and I will get back to you without further delay.



不得不佩服对方真的很沉得住气,我都有点沉不住气了。又过了10天,终于收到了对方的邮件:太长了,现在看到都会眼疼,脑袋疼!不过可以看到一个重点,我们中标了,对方要买800台机器,这意味着什么?平均一台机器利润1000-2000RMB,再加上退税,也就是说这个单子完成起码能赚个一两百万。想到这儿顿时有点激动啊,但是邮件继续往后看我又有点打退堂鼓了,各种证书,文件,繁琐的小细节,我一个小 SOHO 搞得定吗?


Dear ****,

How are you today,

I want to inform you that I have the following information from my
insider in the tender board office after the deliberation on the quotations
this morning,

My insider in the board confirm that the board is interested in
purchasing (800 units) of
the **** ***** ******* Machines.

My contacts has also spoken with the concerned department in the
Organization that is responsible for this purchase and it is observed
that your prices as indicated are less than prices the Organization
has received from other European firms,

Upon this confirmation, my contacts in the Board are informing me that
your company shall stand a good chance of winning the contract if your
official proposal will be submitted to the Board on time.

My Insiders also are asking me whether your company has ISO quality

For you to prepare your official proposal tender for the contract, my
contacts in the Board pointed out that you should arrange below
documents and information and send it to me via DHL for my submission
on your behalf to the tender board.

The documents and information include the following;

1) Letter of introduction of your company addressed to the Bureau of
National Development Commission

2) Your proforma-invoice to show the total and freight to Lagos
seaport of the required quantity of the Machines.

3) Certificate of registration or incorporation of your company name
and address in your locality.(photocopy)

The letter of the introduction of your company to the Bureau of
National Development Commission in Nigeria and the proforma-invoice
should be addressed to the principal buyer as detailed below;

Attn the Chairman Contract Awarding Committee
Bureau of National Development Commission
108 Palm Street off Myne Avenue,
Cross River State,
Calabar Nigeria.

The proforma invoice must be dated and with a reference number.

The proforma invoice should show clearly, All this documents should be
binded together to produce a booklet with the hard-cover marked "


The booklet inclusive of the definition of products should be sent to
me via DHL to my office address as below;

Solomon Eti
101 Factory Road Aba-Abia
State, Nigeria.

As soon as I receive the tender documents, I will submit it
immediately on your behalf to the office of the Board of Nigeria for
their official consideration and perusal and I will inform my contacts
in the Board to follow it up until success is achieved.

While anticipating your immediate arrangement of the papers, Please
contact me immediately if you require further clarifications.

It is my hope that we shall be successful in this endeavor. Please
also note that we will require 2% commission after the completion of
the order.

Deep Regards,

Solomon Eti.

于是我找了一家代理公司进行咨询,咨询的内容主要包括两个方面:一,我把邮件内容发给了代理,问他有没有见过这样的骗局,想着代理一般见的案例可能要多一些,让他帮我分析一下这个客户是不是靠谱?二,我想咨询一下代理,这种情况下,SOHO 到底能不能接这种大单?代理看了邮件说只要不点击邮件里的链接和附件问题就不大,其他的看不出有什么问题,让我继续跟进,有什么问题,他们会帮着解决。这样我的心稍稍放宽了一些,但是总是感觉哪里还是不对,这种感觉牵引着我再次进行了谷歌搜索,因为上次已经搜了一次,并没有搜到什么有用的信息,这次换个方式,直接用邮件里面的关键词加 Scam 到 www.google.com.ng 进行搜索,这次还真被我搜到点东西,我在一个收集钓鱼邮件的网站找到了和我收到的邮件类似的邮件模板,很多人被骗了。那么这个骗子的套路到底是什么,看看他们网站上是怎么说的:

Yes it's a scam. I've highlighted the advance fee fraud in red, should you be unfortunate enough to submit a tender and pay this fake fee, it will be followed by the "winning" of the tender regardless of price, followed by endless request of fees for various permits, licenses, barrister fee, all accompanied by nice looking fake documents.




其实一般的钓鱼邮件还是比较好辨别的,只要不去点击邮件里的有害链接和附件就没有什么问题。至于那些套路比较深的骗子,我会陆续的把他们骗人的套路曝光出来,如果你们也有被骗的经历或者差点被骗的经历,欢迎评论或者投稿到 info@soholife.me。我会挑出一些比较有价值的发布到博客上,让更多的外贸人能够看到,识破他们的套路,免受其害!




外贸建站,Bulehost 美国空间购买


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: